Norwegian-American Genealogical Association

N-AGA is a 100% Volunteer Organization.

The success of N-AGA depends upon your active participation on these Committees.

Avisen Committee

  1. Work with the Board to establish editorial policy for the newsletter.
  2. Solicit, write and edit articles for the newsletter.
  3. Deliver the newsletter electronically to the printer.
  4. Pick up the newsletters from the printer.
  5. Attach mailing labels, tabs and sort for bulk mail.
  6. Deliver to the bulk mail station in Eagan.

Hospitality Committee

  1. Set up meeting room for membership meetings.
  2. Greet members and guests as they arrive.
  3. Recruit volunteers to provide treats for membership meetings.
  4. Make and serve coffee at monthly membership meetings.
  5. Clean-up meeting room after membership meetings.
  6. Coordinate the annual celebration with the Program Committee.

Membership Committee

  1. Maintain the membership list.
  2. Assist with registration at membership meetings.
  3. Encourage membership through a variety of means.
  4. Maintain and distribute a supply of N-AGA brochures.
  5. Plan publicity for N-AGA to be used at special occasions.

Program Committee

  1. Obtain interesting presenters for monthly membership programs.
  2. Coordinate meeting logistics with presenters.
  3. Arrange an honorarium for presenter, if required.
  4. Introduce presenter at meetings.
  5. Moderate monthly membership programs, in cooperation with the president.
  6. Prepare monthly meeting notice for the website.
  7. Coordinate the annual celebration with the Hospitality Committee.

Seminar Committee

  1. Obtain research presenters for seminars.
  2. Coordinate seminar logistics with presenters.
  3. Arrange an honorarium for presenter, if required.
  4. Introduce presenters at seminars.
  5. Moderate seminars.
  6. Prepare seminar notice for the website.
See Bylaws for a more complete description of committees.

For more information on committees, or to participate on a committee, Contact the Membership Chair.

Norwegian-American Genealogical Association

1385 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 100

Mendota Heights, MN 55120

N-AGA is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization.

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software