Norwegian-American Genealogical Association

Norwegian Culture

The following links include excellent background for Norwegian culture at the time of emigration, mainly the last half of the 1800s. Search in past Avisen for additional topics. Access under Newsletter. Search in past Avisen issues for other topics. Access under "Newsletter".

Farmer Terminology from Avisen April 2021 

Husmannsvesen Homestead system: Work and living, social division, labor division, life stages, relationship to owner, geography, husmann uten jord, factory workers, builders, beach sitters, contracts, history, statistics.

Norwegian Crofter A crofter’s life style, family, social status, diet, marriage, and more. A thorough report.

Norwegian Life in the 1800s by Neil Hofland Farmer terms and farm sizes. Excerpt from T. Blegen on ownership and population in 1845. Very Good.

Who was a husmann Description, social class, reasons, contract. 

Norwegian-American Genealogical Association

1385 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 100

Mendota Heights, MN 55120

N-AGA is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization.

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